
PairVS360HDwithaSynologyNASforPC-lesssurveillanceupto36networkcamerasimultaneouslyanduptotwomirroreddisplayoutput.Network.Page2 ...,Youcanfindthedocumentsandfilesregardingtheoperatingsystem,packages,desktoputilitiesandsoonforyourSynologyproducttoenjoythelatestand ...,Youcanfindthedocumentsandfilesregardingtheoperatingsystem,packages,desktoputilitiesandsoonforyourSynologyproducttoenjoythelatest...


Pair VS360HD with a Synology NAS for PC-less surveillance up to 36 network camera simultaneously and up to two mirrored display output. Network. Page 2 ...

Download Center

You can find the documents and files regarding the operating system, packages, desktop utilities and so on for your Synology product to enjoy the latest and ...

Download Center

You can find the documents and files regarding the operating system, packages, desktop utilities and so on for your Synology product to enjoy the latest and ...

Synology NAS 解決方案

Synology NAS 解決方案. by 布賴恩·比勒. 成立於2000年 ... VS360高清. 購買地點 更多資訊. 路由器. 家庭或辦公室 ... Synology 為其NAS 單元提供了幾個不錯的免費應用程序。

Synology VisualStation VS360HD

Synology VisualStation allows you to monitor IP camera feeds without constantly running a computer. However, basic configurations must be managed from a ...

Synology VisualStation VS360HD Hardware Installation Guide

To connect VS360HD to your Synology NAS/NVR: 1 Launch Surveillance Station application on VS360HD. 2 Sign in to your Synology NAS/NVR using an account with the ...

Synology VisualStation VS360HD 使用手冊

在即時影像頁面,您可以監控和Synology NAS 配對的網路攝影機實時畫面、擷取快照,或使用左右轉動、上下傾. 斜、放大(PTZ) 功能調整攝影機畫面。您可以根據個別的監控需求 ...

下載中心- VS360HD

下載中心. 您可找到關於作業系統、套件與桌面工具等Synology 產品的文件及檔案,享有最新且多樣的功能。 請選擇您使用的產品類別和對應機種。